Terry McAuliffe Says He’d Punch Donald Trump: ‘You’d Have to Pick Him Up off the Floor’

Outgoing Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe said Thursday that he would punch President Trump if he ever tried to “get in my space.” During an interview Thursday on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews asked the Virginia Democrat how he would react if Mr. Trump leaned over him during a debate, as he did with Democratic rival Hillary…

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3 Thoughts to “Terry McAuliffe Says He’d Punch Donald Trump: ‘You’d Have to Pick Him Up off the Floor’”

  1. Bill E.

    Calm down Terrance,” this ain’t Dodge city and you aint Matt Dillon.” Barney Fife maybe, so go sit down and polish that bullet in your shirt pocket and let your boss sheriff Trump make America great again!

  2. Randall

    Keep running that pie hole. Lefty Yvette Felarca paid out $11,000 for an assault.

  3. 83ragtop50

    Big talk for such a little man. I would put money on Trump.
    Where is the media outrage over this threaten talk?
